Read Online Travel Junkie The History of Me My Travel Log Travel Journal and Record Book with prompts travel wish list for 50+ adventures A gift for everyone Books With Soul 9781949325546 Books

Record the history of YOUR Travel Life. Someday you will want to remember where you went in the Summer of 2019, or that snowed-in ski trip of Winter 2017 or all the unexpected wonderful weekend escapes, yet to come.
Paperback and hardback cover to keep forever.
Premium 60 lb paper.
Matte wipe-off cover.
Broken up in three sections.
Section 1 Master list to record 50+ trips. A running list of every adventure.
Section 2 Two pages with questions and inspirationa travel prompts to help you remember specifics moments of every trip.
Section 3 Travel Wish List/Bucket List for your next 50 adventures.
Perfect for the travel junkie. Whether you go with your family, your friends or dare yourself to go by yourself.
"If you have to wait for someone to travel with you, you may end up waiting a lifetime!â€
Prompts questions
- where you slept.
- who you met.
- favorite moment.
- weather, date, transportation.
- Record details of 50+ adventures. Separated by inspirational travel quotes.
- Includes a list of every country, so you can circle and keep track of the ones you have visited and the ones on your bucket list.
This makes a priceless gift!
Customer- "If you don't own one of these, you should buy one now. You'll never regret this small thing to record your travels. You think you will remember but you won't."
It doesn't matter if you are graduating or retiring. Start the history of your travels now.
Buy this for yourself, and start recording your memories. A fantastic gift for a new graduate. Mother's Day and Father Day makes a special gift to motivate your parents to travel. A start to collecting their memories and recording a piece of their own history.
Read Online Travel Junkie The History of Me My Travel Log Travel Journal and Record Book with prompts travel wish list for 50+ adventures A gift for everyone Books With Soul 9781949325546 Books
Product details

Tags : Travel Junkie The History of Me My Travel Log Travel Journal and Record Book with prompts travel wish list for 50+ adventures. A gift for everyone. [Books With Soul] on . Record the history of YOUR Travel Life. Someday you will want to remember where you went in the Summer of 2019,Books With Soul,Travel Junkie The History of Me My Travel Log Travel Journal and Record Book with prompts travel wish list for 50+ adventures. A gift for everyone.,Books With Soul,1949325547,Family Relationships / Activities,Travel / Hikes Walks
Travel Junkie The History of Me My Travel Log Travel Journal and Record Book with prompts travel wish list for 50+ adventures A gift for everyone Books With Soul 9781949325546 Books Reviews :