Download PDF End Game Irish End Games Book 12 edition by Susan KiernanLewis Literature Fiction eBooks

Some decisions can literally be the death of you.
After ten years of a brutal apocalypse, Sarah Donovan doesn't want much.
Just a place where she can live where people aren't trying to kill her.
A place where she can raise her daughter and live without fear.
Unfortunately, it's all a little more than any sane person should hope for.
In the thrilling climax to the Irish End Game series, Mike and Sarah launch into the unforgiving North Atlantic in a retrofitted tramp steamer with five pregnant women, eleven children and fifteen desperate people in the determined hope of finding that place.
Will they find their haven?
If they do what will they have to sacrifice to get there?
END GAME is a riveting thrill-ride of action, revenge, and heart-stopping bravery in the final chapter of one American woman's life-defining battle with the unthinkable.
Download PDF End Game Irish End Games Book 12 edition by Susan KiernanLewis Literature Fiction eBooks
"I love the way the author took us through more trials and tribulations with Sarah and Mike and the others and made it to a satisfying conclusion. I have touted this series to a number of people and totally enjoyed reading it myself. It all started with a free book at the beginning of the series that I had to keep reading. Must be time to try some of the other series by this same author. Thank you Susan Kiernan-Lewis."
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Tags : End Game (Irish End Games Book 12) - edition by Susan Kiernan-Lewis. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading End Game (Irish End Games Book 12).,ebook,Susan Kiernan-Lewis,End Game (Irish End Games Book 12),Fiction / Dystopian,Fiction / Family Life
End Game Irish End Games Book 12 edition by Susan KiernanLewis Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :
End Game Irish End Games Book 12 edition by Susan KiernanLewis Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
- I tried to order Book 12 of the Irish End Games Series, but was told that the title was End Game and that I had already ordered it. End Game was an early volume. I want the conclusion and have looked forward to it for a long time! Please change the catalog information so that all us disappointed fans of this series can buy and read it! PLEASE! Susan Kiernan-Lewis deserves more than a one star on anything she writes, but this is the only way I could think to get your attention.
- I must admit I was in love with this series from book 1 I could not put down any of the books once started, often reading into the wee hours of the night ... then could not wait for the next book in the saga to arrive. Hence, I waited for End Game with high hopes ... I found it somewhat slow with limited excitement as compared to the prior eleven modules in the saga.
Having several pregnancies and childbirths took away from the story of how Sara and Mike had defeated one problem, one misery, one adversary (natural or man-made) after another. How they handled themselves made them seem real in a crazy unpredictable story. Seeing son John grow to maturity and marry showed life would go on. Bringing one character back from the dead, (well, presumed dead) after 3 years was unnecessary. - This is one of my all-time favorite series. By the time I finished reading all 12 books, I felt almost like a member of the group in the books. It was hard to say good-bye to the folks I felt so close to!
If you’re looking for an idea of what like might be like after an EMP was dropped on your country, these books will bring you close to what it might feel like, and how your life would be affected. Their are twists, turns, narrow escapes, narrow victories, and that’s just for starters! Susan Kieran-Lewis did not disappoint in any of these books - I spent many an evening reading far into the night, enjoying this series! - While not disappointed in the story line, I was not happy with the length of this book. After waiting for what seemed like a long time, it took only one afternoon to catch up with Mike and Sarah and what's left of their tribe. The plot twists were good and scary. The characters are true to previous books. I enjoyed every page!
- I read a lot and this has to be my favorite series. I really hated to see it end. Once again I couldn't put the book down and was sorry to get to the end. I love these characters; they've become family over the last 12 books. There were some nice surprises along the way and some interesting and unexpected twists. I wish this series could go on and on but I guess all good things must end. I truly do hope they make a tv series.
- I love the way the author took us through more trials and tribulations with Sarah and Mike and the others and made it to a satisfying conclusion. I have touted this series to a number of people and totally enjoyed reading it myself. It all started with a free book at the beginning of the series that I had to keep reading. Must be time to try some of the other series by this same author. Thank you Susan Kiernan-Lewis.
- My husband and I enjoyed all of the author’s Irish End Games books. Enjoyed this too but we were not all together happy with the very end. We discussed it and both felt the same, near the end we felt as though the author was impatient and just wanted to finish the series. It saddened us because she has such a talent for writing, so gifted!