PDF The Idle Beekeeper The LowEffort Natural Way to Raise Bees Bill Anderson 9781468317060 Books

From building a hive to harvesting honey, a top urban beekeeper shares how to care for bees the simple, mindful way.
Global bee populations have been rapidly declining for years, and it’s not just our honey supply that’s at stake the contribution of bees to the pollination of crops is essential to human survival. But even in industrial apiaries, bees are in distress, hiving in synthetic and hostile environments. Enter idle beekeeping the grassroots, low-intervention system that seeks to emulate the behavior and habitat of bees in the wild—and it only requires two active days of beekeeping per year, one in the spring and another in the fall.
In The Idle Beekeeper, Bill Anderson calls upon his years of applied curiosity as an urban beekeeper to celebrate these underappreciated insects and show how simple and rewarding beekeeping can be. In this entertaining, philosophical, and practical guide, Anderson shares why and how to build a hive system that is both cutting-edge and radically old. Maximum idleness is achieved through step-by-step directions to help the beekeeper gently harvest honey with minimum effort, make mead and beeswax candles, and closely observe and understand these fascinating and productive social creatures. For anyone interested in keeping bees, The Idle Beekeeper is the definitive guide to getting started, even in a city, and without effort.
PDF The Idle Beekeeper The LowEffort Natural Way to Raise Bees Bill Anderson 9781468317060 Books
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Tags : Buy The Idle Beekeeper The Low-Effort, Natural Way to Raise Bees on ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders,Bill Anderson,The Idle Beekeeper The Low-Effort, Natural Way to Raise Bees,Abrams Press,1468317067,CRAFTS HOBBIES / General,Crafts Hobbies/General,General Adult,NATURE / Animals / Insects Spiders,NATURE / Environmental Conservation Protection,Nature/Animals - Insects Spiders,Nature/Environmental Conservation Protection - General,Non-Fiction,SCI/TECH,Science/Math,TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING / Agriculture / Beekeeping,United States,apiary;bee colony;beekeeping education;beeswax;beeswax candles;bugs;crops;extracting;extraction;grassroots;guide;guidebook;harvesting;hive system;hives;hobby guide;hobbyist;honey;honey supply;honeycomb;human survival;industrial apiaries;low-effort;low-maintenance;low-tech;mead candles;natural environment;natural habitat;new hobby;nurture;pollen;pollination;pollinator;pollinator loss;population decline;populations;rapid decline;step-by-step;urban beekeeping,bee colony; hive system; honey; honeycomb; pollination; urban beekeeping; beehive; hive; colony collapse disorder; save the bees; dying bees; backyard bees; vanishing bees; ccd; harvest honey; mead; conservation; environment; wildlife; gentleman farmer; easy beekeeping,beehive;hive;colony collapse disorder;save the bees;dying bees;pollination;honey;backyard bees;vanishing bees;ccd;urban beekeeping;hive system;harvest honey;honeycomb;mead;bee colony;conservation;environment;wildlife;gentleman farmer;easy beekeeping,CRAFTS HOBBIES / General,Crafts Hobbies/General,NATURE / Animals / Insects Spiders,NATURE / Environmental Conservation Protection,Nature/Animals - Insects Spiders,Nature/Environmental Conservation Protection - General,TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING / Agriculture / Beekeeping
The Idle Beekeeper The LowEffort Natural Way to Raise Bees Bill Anderson 9781468317060 Books Reviews :