Download PDF He Brings Out The Hood In Me 2 edition by Nikki Brown Literature Fiction eBooks

Sutton’s relationship with Kahleno has proven to be everything that she needs after her break up with Trouble but there is just one thing that’s standing in the way of their true happiness, Hudson, her father. Hudson stands firm in his reasoning about why he doesn’t want his daughter with a man like Kahleno, and not even Sutton’s feelings will change that. Will Sutton take heed to her father’s warnings or will she follow her heart?
When Sutton walked into Kahleno’s life he knew that she was it for him and he vowed to never let anyone come in between that, not even her father. On a mission to show Sutton that her father is wrong, he runs across a few issues of his own and they come in the form of his son’s mother, Karson. Can he keep Karson’s irrational tactics under control, or will she force her way into their relationship and ruin it forever?
After being forced to up and move, Icelynn vowed to close her heart off to men for a while. Her main focus was to take care of her daughter and finish school. The last thing on her mind was a man until she walked on the Maler farm and met the man of her dreams, Adoreé. When her past comes looking for her will she be able to be the woman that Adoreé needs or will their past come and ruin them before they even get started.
Adoreé has never been a people’s person, outside of his family and the occasional stripper, he pretty much stays to himself. When he meets Icelynn, better known as Ice at the club he knew right away that she was different. Allowing her to get close to him causes some old wounds to resurface, something that he isn’t mentally prepared for. When he’s forced to look his past in the eye, will he be able to face the pain, or will he blame Icelynn for drudging up old memories?
Ego’s and secrets threaten to tear the lives of the Maler’s apart. With a huge family secret on the horizon, will they be able to get a grasp on the situation or will life blow up in their faces?
Download PDF He Brings Out The Hood In Me 2 edition by Nikki Brown Literature Fiction eBooks
"I see you Ms. Brown! You are leathal with that Pen game. You have definitely taken it to a whole lot of levels. Did Trouble really call Sutton all kinds of names and then turn around and get on one knee and propose to her? Wow! I can’t believe the depths these chicks would go through for men. That Piper have to be on drugs for her to act like such a simpleton. Did she forget what Menz did to her on the side of the Barn! And Sutton came to her rescue. I hope AD come to grips with his past so he can be loved and live a normal live. I hope Sutton and Kahleno get back together and take care of all whom harmed them. Please! Please! Please! Don’t make us wait for the last installment!!!!"
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Tags : He Brings Out The Hood In Me 2 - edition by Nikki Brown. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading He Brings Out The Hood In Me 2.,ebook,Nikki Brown,He Brings Out The Hood In Me 2,Supreme Works Publications,Fiction / African American / Urban,Fiction / Romance / African American
He Brings Out The Hood In Me 2 edition by Nikki Brown Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews :
He Brings Out The Hood In Me 2 edition by Nikki Brown Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
- This was a good read but s lot of it was filler! Interesting filler but still just fluff to make this a tree book series! I really Iike this author but this is dragging unnecessarily! should have been two books!
- I see you Ms. Brown! You are leathal with that Pen game. You have definitely taken it to a whole lot of levels. Did Trouble really call Sutton all kinds of names and then turn around and get on one knee and propose to her? Wow! I can’t believe the depths these chicks would go through for men. That Piper have to be on drugs for her to act like such a simpleton. Did she forget what Menz did to her on the side of the Barn! And Sutton came to her rescue. I hope AD come to grips with his past so he can be loved and live a normal live. I hope Sutton and Kahleno get back together and take care of all whom harmed them. Please! Please! Please! Don’t make us wait for the last installment!!!!
- Nikki, when can we expect the next book? Sis, you're writing the heck out of this series. The twist and turns coming from each direction has me clinching my chest. The anticipation for the next book has me needing a bottle of wine.
- All I can say is actions I was scared for a minute about you writhing that hospo scence for all readers start with book one book two you g to blow your mind d's and please don't keep the next chi in this so to take forever your writing skills are amazing I need Pier New game friendship
To blow up in her face and see her wrk
Wrong doing
P!ease keep Chassidy away from her that will cause more problems in the family and Maga boom shell is enough I hope those gun shots just broke Windows they got to make it home safely and fix their relationship to
so they vanprove Huston the hypocrite wrong - Please do not leave us hanging for too long on Part 3. I love this series and the characters. I am a new fan of your writing, will be buying anything you put out, on the real! Good writing.
- Nikki this book was everything I really need to know what's going on.... When is part 3 coming out so much shyt happening this I s going to push AD back and what the fyck happened to Sutton.... Omg Omg come on part 3
- Nikki Brown was the first urban fiction writer I read and after reading that first book I was hooked. Mainly because she made me laugh cause her characters were so extra especially early on & her books were fun, paced well & full of drama & heart. Her works as of late haven’t been as fun & entertaining as her intial releases but she’s still one of my faves & an automatic read.
Thus far this series is ok, it’s not bad at all. However it’s nothing groundbreaking either & if I’m going to be truly honest it’s pretty predictable but even still it’s been a cool read.
My main issue is the chaotic head hopping. I don’t know who’s talking because she’s switching from one point-of-view to the next every paragraph (i.e. head hopping 😜). It’s so confusing because one minute Kahleno’s talking & we’re in his head & the next paragraph the point-of-view switches to Sutton in her head. You’re constantly rereading stuff to figure whose talking & whose POV you’re supposed to be taking in. Then there’s instances when she had 2 different people speaking in the same paragraph & even the same sentence. Then characters were switching names in error which was really too much because it’s a ton of characters in the book that you’re already trying to keep up w/who’s who. Mega kept being referred to as Hudson.🤦ðŸ¾â€â™€ï¸ I was confused as hell.
Editing matters. Grammar matters. Structure matters. When you don’t have these things it makes it hard for the reader to remain in the story therefore devaluing the experience & the work. - Just like book 1, it leaves you needing to k ow what’s going to happen next!!!!. I can’t wait for the next book!!!!