Read Online The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons eBook Napoleon Hill

Originally published in 1928, this is the book that began Napoleon Hill's self-help odyssey. Hill queried dozens of people about the keys to their prosperity and organized his findings into 16 principles. Each principle marks a chapter of this book, forming a methodology for employing untapped 'mind-power' that leads to success.
Hill was well known for researching what made millionaires different from the common man. The sixteen lessons in this book perfectly crystallize everything you will need to know to succeed during these hard economic times. Many of today's best known self-help books take their core concepts form this book. 'The Secret', 'The Power of Positive Thinking', 'The Millionaire Next Door', and 'The Law of Attraction' all take their basic premises from this landmark work. Once you've read this book you will understand what gives certain people an edge over everyone else. By following the advice laid out clearly herein you'll be the one with an edge. It's time to stop wondering what it's like to be rich and start knowing. This book has changed countless lives and it can change yours! Unlike many of the other editions on the market today, this edition is complete and unabridged!
Read Online The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons eBook Napoleon Hill
"If you go on google and search about N. Hill you will find an article that basically talks about how Hill was a scam and much of his stuff is made up.
I am not here to argue the author's point Hill could have been a scam or he could have been as real as his books portray him, however after reading 1000s of books I have got to say that this is one of the best books on topic of success.
If you read the book and you really apply the strategies I would be damned if you don't get results you are expecting, the issue with people is that they expect overnight miracle rather than thinking of success as something that is on-going process where you evolve and impress day by day. Where you think about the process and not the outcome. Focus on the process and outcome will eventually come, it may not be exactly what you were hoping/expecting but I am 100% positive it will be by far and large better than what you have right now.
Once you read this book, make sure to focus on one strategy at a time for few weeks. Focus on one strategy and be religious about it for at least two weeks and only then move to the next one. When you are done going through all the 16 laws then I suggest you start incorporating each one in harmony with another.
Apply the laws not just for business but also for your personal life.
If you look at the strategies and put it into a process and give it time the results will be shocking.
I was doing pizza delivery for $500 a month, what I am today, and where I am heading has everything to do with this book.
Don't worry what people say about the author, the content is GOLD.
The ideas were gold, are gold and will remain gold until the dawn of humanity. These laws are what governs and operates us human beings.
As Seneca said centuries ago, time is the ultimate test of everything, and the content in this book fits the exact criteria. Time and again the ideas have helped others excel and will help you excel.
But remember, ACTION = REACTION, INSANE ACTION = INSANE REACTION. If you understand this concept the rest will come with time.
Good luck!"
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Tags : The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons - edition by Napoleon Hill. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons.,ebook,Napoleon Hill,The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons,Athenaeum Classics
The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons eBook Napoleon Hill Reviews :
The Law of Success In Sixteen Lessons eBook Napoleon Hill Reviews
- If you want to see my opinion on this book go to my blog
I will post here what this book is all about
This book can put as a excellent reading material for those who are searching Self-help, Self-development and Self-improvements books to help them gain more confidence boost.
In next part I will summarize what every chapter in this book talks about; but everything is much more in depth described in book. And I’ll add some good quotes (in my opinion) that I’ve came across in this book.
In first part you’ll learn about most outstanding weaknesses that stands between men and women, and those are
The tendency to reap where they have not shown
Habit to spend more than they earn
“No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he begins to look in the mirror for the real cause of all his mistakes.“
In next chapter we will find 15 Laws of Success
A definite chief aim
Habit of saving
Initiative and Leadership
The habit of doing more than paid for
Pleasing personality
Accurate thinking
Profiting by failure
Practicing the Golden Rule
“Render more service than that for which you are paid and you will soon be paid for more than you render. The law of ‘Increasing Returns‘ takes care of this.“
When it comes to Power (man power), that is organized knowledge, expressed through intelligent efforts. And we all have stubborn enemies that are constantly watching over us and wait for us to make a mistake. Our enemies are
One important fact that author is teaching us that every man should have a woman with him that shares similar personalities – That is a great way to create a “Master Mind†group, than working on working on co-operating with other successful like-minded people. Same rule applies to women also, they can’t succeed in life the man with her is not similar to her.
When it comes to educating ourselves, one important part author has written; It’s not about learning as much as we can, it’s about taking that knowledge and putting it into use.
“If you cannot do great things yourself, remember that you may do small things in a great way.â€
We all have fears that we need to work on overcoming those fears; and those fears are
Fear of poverty
Fear of death
Fear of ill-health
Fear of the loos of love
Fear of old age
Fear of criticism
“Until a man selects a definite purpose in life he dissipates his energies and spread his thoughts over so many subjects and in so many different directions that they lead not to power, but to indecision and weakness.â€
Author has added in book a simple Self-confidence formula that we can use
Demand from yourself to be persistent, aggressive, and continuous action toward attainment.
Figure it out and visualize what kind of person you want to be. And then focus on how to become one.
Spend at least 10 minutes a day thinking about Law of Success and thinking on developing yourself.
Write in advance what you want to be in next 5 years, and how you plan on achieve that.
Fully realize that no wealth or position can long endure unless built upon truth and justice; There for everything you do need to be beneficial for everyone who is involved in your business and plans.
“The only man who makes no mistakes is the man who never does anything. Do not be afraid of mistakes providing you do not make the same one twice.†– Roosevelt
When it comes getting into dept, there are two types of debt that are mentioned by author
There are debt incurred for luxuries which becomes a dead loss.
There are debts incurred in the course of professional or business trading which represents service or merchandise that can be converted back into assets.
The first one it should be avoided at any cause, because we can get into serious trouble by spending money on things that we can afford, and become all materialistic.
The second on one may be indulged in, but clear judgement need to be used to avoid getting into debt more than we can afford. When we get into world of debt which we cannot afford, then we are entering into world of speculation, and most likely that we can loose everything rather than getting enrich.
When it comes to Money Saving Habit, there are two main reason to do that
If you get opportunity to invest your saving and earn more money
You never know what kind of emergency can come up, so you always need to have money on side for that kind of situations
“Those who don’t have Saving Habit can be sure that they’ve never going to become financially independent.â€
Three ways on how to become person of Initiative and Leadership
You must eliminate habit of procrastination; which means stop delaying your plans
Only way to get happiness is by giving it away, to others
You must understand the meaning of term “Leadershipâ€; because there are two explanation the one is deadly and destructive, the other one is helpful and constructive.
Qualities that every great leader have to possess are
Moral ascendancy
Successful leaders also makes use of
Laws of imagination
Pleasing personality
Accurate thinking
When it comes to Imagination Habit; it’s very important because it pushes you forward into creating way to achieve success. Also, Imagination is the only thing that we can control entirely.
Enthusiasm Habit is a state of where you are inspired to take action. It is most important factor entering into salesmanship. Enthusiasm is the vital force that can be harness and use with profit. It can also help you develop a dynamic personality.
Why should we render more service than that which we are paid for? This would give us advantage over ours competitors in the long run. And as author has stated, this will eventually get paid out.
Learning how to be a Pleasing Personality it’s very important in business; from smile, handshake and overall behaviour. When selling something everything needs to be focused on customer, every question asked and not to ourselves.
There are tips on how we can form an Attractive Personality
Form habit of interesting yourself in other people
Develop the ability to speak with force and conviction
Clothe yourself in a style that is becoming to your physical build and the work you’r engaged in
Develop a positive character
Learn how to shake hands properly
Remember that your only limitation is the one you set up in your own mind
Accurate thinker deals with facts, regardless of they affect hi own interest, for he knows that ultimately this policy will bring him out on top, in full possession of the object of his definite chief aim in life.
To learn How to Think Accurately we must understand
That the mind can be controlled, guided and directed to creative, constructive ends.
That the mind can be directed to destructive ends, unless we manage to control it into constructive ways.
That the mind can be used to control every cell in our bodies.
That all achievement of man is the results of his thoughts.
The majority of all thoughts conceived in the minds of men are not accurate, being more in the nature of “opinions†or “snap-judgementâ€
Concentration is the act of focusing the mind upon a given desire until ways and means for its realization have been worked out and successfully put into operation. That means ability to keep our mind on one subject until we are thoroughly familiarized with it and master that subject.
There are two forms of Co-operation
Co-operation between people who group themselves together or form alliances for the purpose of attaining a given end, under the principles known as the Law of the Masted Mind.
Co-operation between conscious and the subconscious minds, which forms a reasonable hypothesis of a man ability to contact, communicate with a draw upon infinite intelligence.
There are three motivating forces to which man respond
The motive of Self-preservation
The motive of Sexual contact
The motive of Financial and Social Power
When it comes to a Failure, in this case that doesn’t mean that we are complete failures in life; but we need to look at failure as a “temporary defeat“. For as long as we don’t give up in reaching our definite aim in life, we are just temporary defeated.
Intolerance – there are two significant features about it
Intolerance is a form of ignorance which must be mastered before any form of enduring success may be attained. It causes wars, and you gain much enemies in life.
Intolerance is the chief disintegrating force in the organized religions of the world, where it plays havoc with the greatest power into small sects and denominations which spend as much effort opposing each other as they do in destroying the evils of the world.
The Golden Rule
“The Golden Rule means, substantially, to do unto others as you would wish them to do unto you if your position where reversed.â€
If you want to see my opinion on this book go to my blog - If you go on google and search about N. Hill you will find an article that basically talks about how Hill was a scam and much of his stuff is made up.
I am not here to argue the author's point Hill could have been a scam or he could have been as real as his books portray him, however after reading 1000s of books I have got to say that this is one of the best books on topic of success.
If you read the book and you really apply the strategies I would be damned if you don't get results you are expecting, the issue with people is that they expect overnight miracle rather than thinking of success as something that is on-going process where you evolve and impress day by day. Where you think about the process and not the outcome. Focus on the process and outcome will eventually come, it may not be exactly what you were hoping/expecting but I am 100% positive it will be by far and large better than what you have right now.
Once you read this book, make sure to focus on one strategy at a time for few weeks. Focus on one strategy and be religious about it for at least two weeks and only then move to the next one. When you are done going through all the 16 laws then I suggest you start incorporating each one in harmony with another.
Apply the laws not just for business but also for your personal life.
If you look at the strategies and put it into a process and give it time the results will be shocking.
I was doing pizza delivery for $500 a month, what I am today, and where I am heading has everything to do with this book.
Don't worry what people say about the author, the content is GOLD.
The ideas were gold, are gold and will remain gold until the dawn of humanity. These laws are what governs and operates us human beings.
As Seneca said centuries ago, time is the ultimate test of everything, and the content in this book fits the exact criteria. Time and again the ideas have helped others excel and will help you excel.
But remember, ACTION = REACTION, INSANE ACTION = INSANE REACTION. If you understand this concept the rest will come with time.
Good luck! - Amazing quality. Pages are nice and thick and have an old fashion feel to them. They are slightly creamy in tone as well for that classic look. The book is heavy and the dimensions are 9 x 6. I also like the fact that the book stays open no matter where you are in the book itself. Even within the first few pages it stays open. As for the content itself well if you’re reading this then you probably already know. Overall very satisfied with the purchase. Nice readable font, perfect format and nicely evenly spaced line spacing. I also have the Vieux publishing 1925 law of success and while I do prefer the 1925 version I much prefer the quality, font and readability of this version. This is not a book to carry around you everywhere you go, its big and heavy. It’s more to have on the nightstand next to your bed. Highly recommended!
- Many people don't know this but the Law of Success in 16 sessions is a powerful, powerful book but Napoleon Hill was asked to rewrite this book and to "Water It Down" the book became "Think and Grow Rich"