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PDF The Diamond Formula Inventions Untold Stories of the Beautiful Era collection eBook Alina Simone

Product details - File Size 15632 KB
- Print Length 48 pages
- Publisher Original Stories (March 28, 2019)
- Publication Date March 28, 2019
- Sold by Digital Services LLC
- Language English

The Diamond Formula Inventions Untold Stories of the Beautiful Era collection eBook Alina Simone Reviews
- This was an interesting, quick, easy read about a man who conned some wise men who should have been able to escape his scheme. There are lessons learned in this story that are every bit as important today, as at the turn of the century, a hundred years ago.
By the way, I recommend downloading and listening to the professionally narrated Audible version.. Perfect for a commute to work and back. - The Diamond industry is so artificial. The value is so high you can't not invest, think Cold Fusion (a flawed experiment that generated millions in investment). This a short, like a novella mix of important Diamond history and one bad investment by the company that Rules them All. What a great short read.
- Interesting concept on making artificial diamonds.
- This was an entertaining story of a con man who managed to not only dupe the powerful head of De Beers diamonds out of a substantial sum of money, and become the toast of Paris as well. The backgrounds of both are presented, framing how they met and the con was executed. The subsequent trial is the most interesting part. Even the judge was enthralled. The sheer gumption of the con is impressive. I read this book using immersion reading while listening to the audiobook. The book was interesting, but Amy McFadden's superb narrative stands out and really brings the book alive.
- A Quick, Impactful Tale of History
Alina Simone gets to the point quickly with this read-in-one-sitting tale, and she might kick off a new trend with this.
Small time investment on the reader's part, but quite a bit of payoff.
Simone shows the characters here, and then shows what happens.
It's difficult to put down, and when you do - it's over.
And then you want more.
I highly recommend this book, and have already started the next in the series - Jump! (Inventions Untold Stories of the Beautiful Era collection.
I highly recommend this book, and so far I like this series and new style as a whole. - This was my favorite of the "Belle Epoch" series as a humble man claims to have created man-made diamonds and the potentially catastrophic effects such a talent would have on the diamond industry.
- Reads like a novel, but this a historical account of the birth of artificial gems - and of the de Beers diamond cartel.
- A tale of a confidence trixter and how he got away with it. Interesting reading well told. Recommended for all readers type