» Download Fairy House How to Make Amazing Fairy Furniture Miniatures and More from Natural Materials Debbie Schramer Mike Schramer 0884140047244 Books
Jeffrey Oliver on Sunday, 2 June 2019
Download Fairy House How to Make Amazing Fairy Furniture Miniatures and More from Natural Materials Debbie Schramer Mike Schramer 0884140047244 Books

Product details - Paperback 192 pages
- Publisher Familius; First edition (July 14, 2015)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 1939629691

Fairy House How to Make Amazing Fairy Furniture Miniatures and More from Natural Materials Debbie Schramer Mike Schramer 0884140047244 Books Reviews
- Beautiful book with easy instructions on how to build. Didn't think I would need instructions on how to build the fairy structures so also bought another book which just had lots of pictures to give me ideas which at the time I thought was great. But after receiving this book, I realized the step by step instructions are indeed helpful in getting started. It also has a reference section on good plants to use and types of materials to gather.
- what a fantastic find this is! anyone interested in natural hand made fairy items look no further. Very detailed instructions and pictures. A must for crafters.
- Okay now this is one gorgeous book!! Step by Step instructions, photography is beautiful, the book is high quality no doubt. I can't wait to get started on these projects. Heading to Maine for a vacation soon, can you guess what I'll be doing.. lol.. collecting items to make these houses and furniture that's for sure..
Can I give this book a 10 star.. - This books is magic and whimsy in book form. It was a present for my 9 year old's bday, and she went nuts. We've had lots of fun nature walks where she picks up supplies and materials, and she's made some delightful things. I think I would have died and gone to heaven for this book as a child. LOVELY
- What a captivating book. I bought it for my granddaughter, who has amazing patience and imagination. I am sure it will be read and studied cover to cover many times, and there will be some pretty cool fairy houses and accoutrements because of this gift. I can't wait to see what she creates.
- Bought this for my granddaughters, however, I am enjoying it immensely! Its a beautiful book! I feel it will encourage them to explore our natural world and appreciate what it offers (give them a reason to put aside their "devices").
- I bought this book for my granddaughter for her birthday. I gave it to her in September, and the next morning we went out to the woods they live in and collected numerous items for creating. Within an hour, she had created shelves, dishes, etc. It was truly magical. What a great way for a 10 year old to be creative and imaginative!
- A lovely book to browse through with a treasure trove of ideas and tips. Have not had a chance to make any of the suggested projects, but the instructions are clear and not intimidating. Looking forward to working on my first project.