Read The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy Blaine Bettinger eBook

Unlock the secrets in your DNA!
Discover the answers to your family history mysteries using the most-cutting edge tool available. This plain-English guide is a one-stop resource for how to use DNA testing for genealogy. Inside, you'll find guidance on what DNA tests are available, plus the methodologies and pros and cons of the three major testing companies and advice on choosing the right test to answer your specific genealogy questions. And once you've taken a DNA test, this guide will demystify the often-overwhelming subject and explain how to interpret DNA test results, including how to understand ethnicity estimates and haplogroup designations, navigate suggested cousin matches, and use third-party tools like GEDmatch to further analyze your data. To give you a holistic view of genetic testing for ancestry, the book also discusses the ethics and future of genetic genealogy, as well as how adoptees and others who know little about their ancestry can especially benefit from DNA testing.
The book features
- Colorful diagrams and expert definitions that explain key DNA terms and concepts such as haplogroups and DNA inheritance patterns
- Detailed guides to each of the major kinds of DNA tests and which tests can solve which family mysteries, with case studies showing how each can be useful
- Information about third-party tools you can use to more thoroughly analyze your test results once you've received them
- Test comparison guides and research forms to help you select the most appropriate DNA test and organize your results and research once you've been tested
Read The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy Blaine Bettinger eBook
"This 240-page book is the most complete and up-to-date resource on genetic genealogy. While some material is too advanced for raw beginners, you will want this comprehensive book on hand as you work your way through the DNA testing process. Blaine clearly explains all the different DNA types and their individual inheritance patterns. Then he adds lots of supplementary information, including a great list of More Resources. Blaine naturally encourages readers to read his book from start to finish. But not many people read their vehicle owner's manual before taking their new car for a ride. Likewise, you don't need 100% of this knowledge before jumping into the exciting world of DNA testing. Furthermore, each topic will make much more sense when you have your own results to look at. Do read enough to understand the key points. For example, it's important to know that autosomal DNA passes on random selections of each parent's DNA. But you can get by without knowing exactly HOW recombination occurs. The subject of X-DNA inheritance confuses even experienced testers. So just skip that chapter until (and if) you encounter a situation where an understanding of X-DNA is needed. The book is available in both print and Kindle formats. I purchased the print version due to the many excellent tables and illustrations."
Product details

Tags : The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy - edition by Blaine Bettinger. Download it once and read it on your device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy.,ebook,Blaine Bettinger,The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy,Family Tree Books,Genealogy Heraldry,Life Sciences - Genetics Genomics,DNA;Analysis.,GENEALOGY,GENETICS,Genealogy Heraldry,Genealogy.,General Adult,Genetic genealogy,Genetic genealogy;Handbooks, manuals, etc.,Genetics - Genealogy,Handbooks and manuals,Life Sciences - Genetics Genomics,Non-Fiction,REFERENCE,REFERENCE / Genealogy Heraldry,REFERENCE / General,SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Genetics Genomics,Science/Life Sciences - Genetics Genomics,REFERENCE / Genealogy Heraldry,REFERENCE / General,SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Genetics Genomics,Science/Life Sciences - Genetics Genomics,Genetics,Reference
The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy Blaine Bettinger eBook Reviews :
The Family Tree Guide to DNA Testing and Genetic Genealogy Blaine Bettinger eBook Reviews
- I'm a self-taught genealogist who's spent way too much time over the years piecing family trees together over the years....with a lot of success. I've fought getting involved in the DNA side of things for years. I'm not one who ever had an easy time in biology or the sciences...., and it just seemed intimidating and impersonal. BUT....I was up against a huge wall with one of my husband's family lines and I could either quit....or try DNA. I decided to take the DNA plunge....and after reading every page of this book, I'm ashamed that I waited so long to get on the bandwagon. This author makes things super simple to understand....and provides so many helpful illustrations that break down the information into understandable blocks powerful knowledge. What is even better? The DNA market is hard to understand if you don't know what you are doing....If you are confused about whether to go with Ancestry's test, or one of the products on FamilyTreeDNA or 23AndME.....this is THE BOOK. It'll help you invest your dollars in the tests the will be the most help....right from the get-go....AND understand the results!!! This book is gold. Thanks Blaine T. Bettinger. I was on Ancestry's DNA support forum asking questions....and another user referred me to the book and told me I could get it all right here. He was right.
- This 240-page book is the most complete and up-to-date resource on genetic genealogy. While some material is too advanced for raw beginners, you will want this comprehensive book on hand as you work your way through the DNA testing process. Blaine clearly explains all the different DNA types and their individual inheritance patterns. Then he adds lots of supplementary information, including a great list of More Resources. Blaine naturally encourages readers to read his book from start to finish. But not many people read their vehicle owner's manual before taking their new car for a ride. Likewise, you don't need 100% of this knowledge before jumping into the exciting world of DNA testing. Furthermore, each topic will make much more sense when you have your own results to look at. Do read enough to understand the key points. For example, it's important to know that autosomal DNA passes on random selections of each parent's DNA. But you can get by without knowing exactly HOW recombination occurs. The subject of X-DNA inheritance confuses even experienced testers. So just skip that chapter until (and if) you encounter a situation where an understanding of X-DNA is needed. The book is available in both print and formats. I purchased the print version due to the many excellent tables and illustrations.
- There are other books out there about DNA testing for genealogy, but this one is head and shoulders above. It presents up to date information for this evolving field, introducing the science of genetic genealogy in easy to understand chapters.
The three types of DNA testing are discussed, sorting out the advantages and limitations of each. The author leads you through how to interpret your own results, and how to use available tools to get the most thorough analysis. He discusses ethical issues surrounding "surprises" in your DNA and searching for birth parents. Simple charts illustrate the points he makes.
Whether you are a professional genealogist or just curious about your genetic makeup, this book will be an excellent reference source for many years to come. - I have been working with genetic genealogy for five years, and I highly recommend this book! It has everything a beginner needs to know, and has all the topics someone with more experience might need to review now and then. Charts, diagrams, and clear explanations. If you have taken a DNA test and want to get the most from your results, this book will show you how to do that!
- While I've taken multiple classes on DNA & genealogy, I don't work with it all the time so I tend to forget things. This book is so great because it starts off very basic - which is a nice review for me - and then 'builds up' to the more complicated stuff. Perfect reference book to give to someone who wants to get started and also great for someone like me who needs reminded of what I've learned.
- This is a terrific book if you are considering getting a DNA test done, or if you are awaiting your results. The basics of the types of tests (Y-DNA, mtDNA, autosomal) are explained clearly, yet there is no sense that you, the reader, are being talked down to. The illustrations are excellent, and definitely aid in comprehending the points. Mr. Bettinger goes more deeply into the subject with each chapter, and you will come away from
reading this book with the basics under your belt.
If, however, you've already tested and if you're already a regular reader of ISOGG's Facebook page, and/or the blogs of Mr. Bettinger, Cece Moore,
Roberta Estes, Kitty Cooper, Judy G Russell, and others, and if you've already been working with some of your DNA matches, mapping your chromosomes, etc. -- you might find Mr. Bettinger's other book "Genetic Genealogy in Practice" (co-authored with Debbie Parker Wayne) more useful, especially as it features hands-on exercises (with an answer key).